Commenting open: November 21, 2024 12:00AM PT - March 31, 2025 11:59PM PT.

Cap-and-Invest: Linkage Agreement

As directed by the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), the Washington Department of Ecology is seeking to link Washington’s Cap-and-Invest carbon market with the California-Québec market. 

Before we start negotiating a linkage agreement with California and Québec, we’d like to hear from you.

The current linkage agreement between California and Québec is our starting point for developing a new linkage agreement that includes Washington. Please review the current California-Québec agreement and share your comments by March 31, 2025. 

We've provided questions to consider as you review the agreement. You’re welcome to respond to individual questions or upload a comment letter. 

- What do you think of the California-Québec agreement? Which parts do you support? Which parts concern you?

- What’s missing in the California-Québec agreement that should be included in an agreement with Washington? 

- How should we address environmental justice concerns in an agreement? Do you have recommendations for how the agreement can address concerns related to impacts on communities that have experience the greatest environmental and health burdens? (referred to in Washington as ‘overburdened communities’) 

- What should we consider in our analysis of the linkage criteria? See the preliminary analysis we shared last year. 


A linkage agreement is a non-binding agreement that sets expectations for information sharing, cooperation, and accounting. It does not create new regulations or change existing regulations—that can only be done through each jurisdiction’s rulemaking process and changes to laws (statutes) made by legislators. 

Review the linkage agreement focus sheet for additional background. More information about linkage, including how it will impact Washington and how Ecology is considering environmental justice is available at

Public meetings

We hosted virtual public meetings on Feb. 27 and March 5 to share background information about the linkage agreement, answer questions, and hear from you. The meetings had the same presentation: copy of slides. Click the date to view the recording.

Contact Information

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Next steps
We’ll review your input, along with the input we’ve received over the past two years, and bring your ideas forward in our discussions with California and Québec. 

After we develop a draft agreement with California and Québec, we'll share it with you and ask for comments again. We hope to do that in 2025. Sign up for Climate Commitment Act email alerts to stay up-to-date or visit the linkage webpage

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Question 1 of 5

Please either fill out this survey or upload your comments using the button below.

What do you think of the California-Québec agreement? Which parts do you support? Which parts concern you?

Screen Reader


Question 2 of 5

What’s missing in the California-Québec agreement that should be included in an agreement with Washington? 

Screen Reader


Question 3 of 5

How should we address environmental justice concerns in an agreement?  Do you have recommendations for how the agreement can address concerns related to impacts on communities that have experience the greatest environmental and health burdens? (referred to in Washington as ‘overburdened communities’) 

Screen Reader


Question 4 of 5

What should we consider in our analysis of the linkage criteria? See the preliminary analysis we shared last year.

Screen Reader


Question 5 of 5

Upload a comment letter or provide additional comments.

Screen Reader

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